Float Trip
August 24 | $39/person
Float the Buffalo River
Bible Prophecy Conference
August 25-30
Scotland Baptist Church
See You
At The Pole
Wednesday, September 25
@ local schools nationwide
Saw You At The Pole
Wednesday evening
@ Clinton High School
Mobilized For The Missions Conference
September 29-30
@ FBC Clinton
more details to come
Pastor: Bro. Nick Parish
Phone: 501-654-2018
Email: Nickparish97@gmail.com
Address: 11500 HWY 65 South, Bee Branch, AR 72013
Pastor: Bro. Lewis Puckett
Phone: 501 -757-2069
Email: Puckettlewis19@gmail.com
Address: 9297 HWY 65 North, Clinton, AR 72031
Pastor: Rev. Cary Condray
Phone: 501-208-3233
Email: fbccrsec@att.net
Website: fbccronline.com
Address: 3631 HWY 92, Center Ridge, AR 72027
Pastor: Rev. Faron Rogers
Phone: 501-745-6113
Email: athisfeet@clintonfbc.org
Website: www.clintonfbc.org
Address: 211 First Baptist Street, Clinton, AR 72031
Pastor: Rev. Billy Reece
Phone: 501-745-7709
Email: billytreece@gmail.com
Website: www.formosabaptistchurch.com
Address: 192 County Line Rd, Clinton, AR 72031
Address: 1548 Half Moon Rd, Clinton, AR 72031
Pastor: Bro. mack Litaker
Phone: 501-745-8528
Email: bigtruckdad2@hotmail.com
Address: 498 HWY 16 E, Clinton, AR 72031
Sunday School 9:45
Preaching at 10:45
Sunday evening 6pm
Wednesday at 7
Pastor: Christopher Reade
Phone: 870-447-2223
Email: creade61@yahoo.com
Address: 302 Oak Street, Leslie, AR 72645
Sunday School 9:45
Worship 10:50 & 6:00pm
Wednesdays at 6pm
Pastor: Rev. John Doyle
Phone: 501-723-4787
Address: 9525 HWY 110, Clinton, AR 72031
Pastor: Bro. Eddie Ragsdale
Phone: 870-448-2589
Email: mfboffice@gmail.com
Website: marshallarfbc.com
Address: 501 HWY 27 South, Marshall, AR 72650
9am Sunday school
10am Service
6pm Thousand Hills Fellowship
6pm Meal
6:30 Study and Pray
Pastor: Rev. Tim Cypert
Phone: 870-448-5948
Email: timcypert@gmail.com
Address: 3520 North HWY 27, Marshall, AR 72650
Pastor: Rev. Kyle Blanton
Phone: 501-745-4115
Email: peedeebaptist@gmail.com
Address: 2744 HWY 16 East, Clinton, AR 72031
10:00am Sunday School
11:00am Worship
6:00pm Worship
6:30pm Wednesdays
Pastor: Rev. Luther Murphree
Phone: 501-745-1442
Email: murphreel@yahoo.com
Address: 4897 HWY 110, Clinton, AR 72031
Pastor: Rev. Charles Deckleman
Email: ttajones@yahoo.com
Address: 5092 Banner Mountain Road, Shirley, AR 72153
Sunday School 10:00am
Worship 11:00am
Sunday Night 6pm
Wednesday Night 6pm
Pastor: Rev. Robert Duhon
Phone: 501-501-5468
Address: 10954 HWY 336 West, Clinton, AR 72031
Pastor: Dr.Jerold Posey
Phone: 501-745-8593
Email: davidtinajones@yahoo.com
Website: rupertbaptistchurch.com
Address: 21434 HWY 16 West, Clinton, AR 72031
Pastor: Rev. David Jones
Phone: 501-592-3787
Address: 278 Postal Lane, Scotland, AR 72153
9:45am Sunday school
11am Worship
6pm Evening Service
Wednesday Night
5:30 Kids and Youth Bible Study
6pm Supper
6:30pm Adult Bible Study
Pastor: Mr. Mitchel Meaders
Phone: 501-652-6275
Email: x_maskangaroo@hotmail.com
Address: 10277 AR-16 East, Shirley, AR 72153
Pastor: Bro. Randy Thomas
Phone: 501-723-8308
Email: randythomas15@yahoo.com
Address: 5448 Shady Grove Road, Shirley, AR 72153
North Central Baptist Association
208 Hwy 330 East
Clinton, AR 72031